Again, it has been a long long time since my last post. I am in Moscow now! A place that I have never dreamt before. Actually I have already been here for 4 months, just that I am too lazy to update my blog = = And now, that's the end of my first semester, that's why I have some time to write something here now.
Moscow, a place that is totally different from Malaysia, there's 4 seasons in a year and the winter is pretty long and cold; most of the people around you are with golden hair and fair skin, speaking a kind of weird slang known as Russian and that's propably the only language they know.
The uni I am studying is Russian State Medical University. Many would wonder why I chose Russia instead of US. I changed my decision just one week before my flight to US. After seeking for my interest for years, I finally found out that medicine is still something what I wanted to do, just that I was too afraid to take the step. Thank God for guiding me, after some prayers, I decided to come to Moscow. And amazingly, my parents gave me fully supportation.
My uni is about 15 to minutes walk from my hostel, I prefer walking to school every morning, eventhough sometime it is -18 celsius. The view along the way is just so nice and I enjoy breathing in the fresh air. However, when the ground is covered with ice or snow, it is really slippery, I have already fallen down a few times on my way to school. Just can't avoid it. Haha... Currently, I am taking 7 subjects, Anatomy & Histology, Russian language, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Philosophy, Latin language. Anatomy & Histology are the most stressful ones. There's another relaxing subject, physical training, twice in a week, just to keep your body fit and sound.
Nevertheless, there's a Malaysian Fellowship here, a place where you can share everything and grow spiritually with brothers and sisters. Our cell group named JOY, stand for Jesus, Others and You, which means Jesus is the priority, then others, and the last one is ourselves. I just feel that I am drawing closer to God after joining the cell group, here we learn to serve, share, pray and grow. Every members are excellent and special, I really enjoy the time we could spend together with God. There's also another fellowship group I am joining too, it is a Chinese bible study, same as JOY, we are together to know God better.
Well, I better stop crapping now! I guess looking at pictures will show you better my life here, as each of them reveals a thousand words. Muahaha...
Moscow, a place that is totally different from Malaysia, there's 4 seasons in a year and the winter is pretty long and cold; most of the people around you are with golden hair and fair skin, speaking a kind of weird slang known as Russian and that's propably the only language they know.
The uni I am studying is Russian State Medical University. Many would wonder why I chose Russia instead of US. I changed my decision just one week before my flight to US. After seeking for my interest for years, I finally found out that medicine is still something what I wanted to do, just that I was too afraid to take the step. Thank God for guiding me, after some prayers, I decided to come to Moscow. And amazingly, my parents gave me fully supportation.
My uni is about 15 to minutes walk from my hostel, I prefer walking to school every morning, eventhough sometime it is -18 celsius. The view along the way is just so nice and I enjoy breathing in the fresh air. However, when the ground is covered with ice or snow, it is really slippery, I have already fallen down a few times on my way to school. Just can't avoid it. Haha... Currently, I am taking 7 subjects, Anatomy & Histology, Russian language, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Philosophy, Latin language. Anatomy & Histology are the most stressful ones. There's another relaxing subject, physical training, twice in a week, just to keep your body fit and sound.
Nevertheless, there's a Malaysian Fellowship here, a place where you can share everything and grow spiritually with brothers and sisters. Our cell group named JOY, stand for Jesus, Others and You, which means Jesus is the priority, then others, and the last one is ourselves. I just feel that I am drawing closer to God after joining the cell group, here we learn to serve, share, pray and grow. Every members are excellent and special, I really enjoy the time we could spend together with God. There's also another fellowship group I am joining too, it is a Chinese bible study, same as JOY, we are together to know God better.
Well, I better stop crapping now! I guess looking at pictures will show you better my life here, as each of them reveals a thousand words. Muahaha...
The view of my uni, in front of sportza(the place wher we do our physical training)
Christmas celebration with JOY group

We have turkey for Christmas XD

Everyone is leaving, and I was still completing my test = =

That's just a brief of my beginning of life in Moscow, I guess there would be more interesting events occur in the future! Will post it later then when I am free... Wakaka :)
wah......macam syok aje. learning russian.....and latin!!! i wanna learn latin too!! latin language seems so cool. it's like a language for smart ppl. lol
and better start updating more often too. gain back ur readers. haha. i'm sure ppl would like to know more of the life u're having in moscow.
p/s: y don't have pic of hot russian girls one? i wanna see. :P
Latin is not syok = =
Yaya, wanna gain my readers back!!
You ar, everyday thinking of hot girls, aren't there's a lot in US?
what do u mean latin not syok? it's sorta like an ancient language, go back to malaysia and talk using that language, no one will understand u. hahahahahaha.
and hot girls....well, my uni is an aeronautical uni, so not that many girls around. there r some hot girls, but i wanna see russian girls too. :P the ones i saw in jamboree that time looked normal
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